Dawn Batson
I have always had a special empathy for the tired mothers of the world.
My mother was a single mother of twins, and I felt her lack of community and support as a weight on my own shoulders and was propelled by this into birthwork. I assisted my first home birth in 2001, ushered into this work via my midwife and doula sister. After various trainings and certifications, it was the emotional growth I went through during the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience with my own daughter in 2013 that most deepened my doula work.
This transformational nature of the process of becoming a parent...
which I’ve witnessed time and again, is what most interests me and keeps me so drawn to this work.
I profoundly believe that our own birth and postpartum experience has the potential to shape our feelings about life and our place in the world.
A baby with a gentle and conscious introduction to this world will be at an advantage, and likewise, parents who are supported and empowered are more able to face the challenges ahead with grace. I believe that every family deserves to feel honored, safe, and cared for, and that bridging the gap between what families really need in order to thrive and what our modern culture offers them requires consciously bringing in the missing elements of community, ritual, and support.
Trainings And Education
Birth Doula Training- DONA International, 2008
Midwifery Assistant Training- The Farm Midwives, 2009
Hypnosis for Childbirth- Hypnobabies, 2009
Postpartum Doula Training- DONA International- 2010
Midwifery Today Conference- Philadelphia, 2010
Midwifery Intensive- Heart and Hands, 2011
Nutrition for Pregnancy- Food Renegade, 2011
Healing Birth Patterns- Dr. Susan Lange, 2012
BEST Doula Training- Tracy Hartley, 2012
Hypnobabies Instructor Training- Albuquerque, 2019
Nonviolent Parenting Workshop, Echo Parenting, 2018 and 2020
Childbirth Education, DTI, 2020
Transformed by Birth Mentorship with Britta Bushnell, 2022
Fetal Positioning- Gilligan’s Guide, 2023
Our Areas of Experience
Hospital birth; Midwife-assisted home birth; Unassisted birth; Physiological unmedicated birth; Planned and unplanned Cesarean birth; Induction; High intervention and high-risk birth; twin birth; VBAC, Breastfeeding, Exclusively Pumping, Formula Feeding, Combo feeding